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AngelicHost FAQ >> Paths To Commonly Used Programs:

  1. How do I find the path to a particular program?
  2. What compilers do you make available and were can I find them?
  3. What is the path to absolute path to my account?
  4. What is the path to Perl?
  5. What is the path to PHP?
  6. What is the path to sendmail?
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  1. How do I find the path to a particular program? [top]
    This can easily be done through SSH. Once you have established a connection to your account via SSH, you can use the "whereis" utility to find the path to the program you are trying to locate. For example, if you wanted to find the path to the "grep" program, you would type the following from the command line:
    "whereis grep"

    The program would then return any and all possible paths to this particular program.

    Timestamp: 2003/01/17
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  2. What compilers do you make available and were can I find them? [top]
    We do not make any compilers available to you on your virtual account. However, if you have a special need, please submit a support ticket and we will gladly review your request.

    Timestamp: 2003/01/17
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  3. What is the path to absolute path to my account? [top]
    You have root access on your account. Which means you can go to the lowest directory structure.

    Your html pages are stored in /var/www/html and your cgi scripts are stored in /var/www/cgi-bin.

    So if you have a program that requires the absolute path to your cgi-bin, this would be /var/www/cgi-bin.

    Timestamp: 2003/01/17
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  4. What is the path to Perl? [top]
    We are currently running Perl version 5.x. Below are all of the paths to our perl binary:


    Timestamp: 2003/01/17
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  5. What is the path to PHP?  [top]
    We are currently running the latest stable version of PHP4. Below are all of the paths to PHP binaries.


    Timestamp: 2003/01/17
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  6. What is the path to sendmail?  [top]
    We are currently running a custom version of sendmail. Below are all of the paths to the sendmail binary:


    Timestamp: 2003/01/17
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