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AngelicHost FAQ >> Information Regarding Foreign Domains:

  1. Can AngelicHost host my existing foreign domain?
  2. How can I get AngelicHost DNS information?
  3. How do I transfer my existing foreign domain name to AngelicHost?
  4. How is my new foreign domain name registered?
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  1. Can AngelicHost host my existing foreign domain? [top]
    Yes, just as we can host any new foreign domains, we can also host any existing foreign domains as well. However, you will be responsible for transferring the foreign domain name form the current name servers, to AngelicHost's name servers.

    Timestamp: 2003/01/17
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  2. How can I get AngelicHost DNS information? [top]
    Listed below are the name servers you should use for your foreign domain. You will undoubtedly need this information in order to register your new foreign domain or transfer an existing domain name to AngelicHost.


    Timestamp: 2003/01/17
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  3. How do I transfer my existing foreign domain name to AngelicHost? [top]
    To do this, you will need to place an order. Once your account is setup, everything will be ready on our end to host your foreign domain name for you.

    At this point, you would need to request that your foreign domain name be modified so that it is pointing to AngelicHost's name servers. You would need to contact the organization that registered your foreign domain name in order for this to be done.

    Our name servers are:

    Timestamp: 2003/01/17
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  4. How is my new foreign domain name registered? [top]
    It is your responsibility to register your new foreign domain name with the appropriate organization responsible for your domain name extensions. The reason we leave this up to the client is because it would be very burdensome to establish relationships and learn the rules for registering new domains with all of the organizations that handle foreign domain registrations.

    You will need to learn the rules for registration and apply for the foreign domain name through the appropriate organization. You will also be responsible for any applicable fees associated with registering the domain name.

    Timestamp: 2003/01/17
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